Teaching about plants is so much fun and easy with these fun and interactive activities! Here are some of my favorite activities on plants!
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- Germinate Seeds in a Greenhouse- Fold a large sheet of green construction paper in half. Cut out the shape of a greenhouse with green construction paper as in the example below so that it opens up like a book and have your students draw the roof and decorate it on the front. Using clean hands, wet a paper towel with water and place it inside a baggie. Have your students place some lima beans in there then close the baggie so the paper towel doesn’t dry out. Tape the top of the paper towel inside the greenhouse then tape the greenhouse on the window for sunshine. It will take about two weeks for the beans to germinate. After germination, have your students transfer their seeds to a cup of soil.
2. Germinate Lima Beans Using Water Beads– If you want to germinate seeds without using wet paper towels that often cause molding, simply soak water beads in a tub of water for an hour or so. With clean hands (to avoid contamination), place several soaked beads in a baggie with a big lima bean. Close the bag then hang it on a window. In about a week and a half, the bean will germinate. Next, place the seed and the beads in a cup of soil and water it regularly. Place the cup by the windows for sunlight and watch it grow! 🌱
3. Invesitigate the Parts of a Plant– Get your budding botanist learning about the parts of a plant and get a closer look at different plants! Once students observe different plants and different parts of a plant that they eat, have them record their findings to share.
4. Grow Flowers and Vegetables Together– What better way to learn about plants than to grow some flowers and edible plants together with your students? Simply pick up some seed packets, plant them, and watch them grow. At the end of the unit or year, students can even take their own plant home!
5. Learn All About Plants– Learn all the basics of plant parts and their functions! From informational posters to student booklet to activities, this is all you need to teach all about plants! Click on the images for more information.
6. Read About Seeds & Plants– What better way to learn about seeds and plants than to read all about them? Here are my favorite books to help your students get started! Click on the image for more information on these books!