If you are covering financial literacy in the primary/elementary classroom and need some wants and needs, spending, and income anchor charts, I’m sharing mine below along with some teaching fun teaching ideas! Scroll down for all the details.
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- Wants and Needs Anchor Chart– To teach about wants and needs, I love reading the popular Pigeon Series to show students the difference between wants and needs. In this series, Pigeon goes through different adventures of demanding silly and funny that he wants and needs. After reading, I encourage students to make a list of things that Pigeon really needs and wants. As this anchor chart connects to the texts, students can easily connect to it and love using it to review and retain the difference between wants and needs. For more information on the series, click on the image below.

2. Income Anchor Chart- To teach about income, define income as money that people earn from working. Next, discuss and brainstorm different ways community helpers make money and how they would use that money to help themselves and their families.

3. Spending and Saving Anchor Chart– Discuss as a class that spending is using money to exchange for a good/service and saving is putting money aside to use later. Encourage students to share how they would use a certain amount of money if they had earned it from doing chores. Use the students’ responses to complete the spending anchor chart. Next, encourage students to share what they would save their money on and record their responses.

These are some of super easy to create financial literacy anchor charts. If you need more financial literacy resources, check out the packet below.