Teaching all about forms of energy is one of my favorite science units because there’s so much that you can do! Here are some fun and interactive ways to teach ALL ABOUT FORMS OF ENERGY!
First, I introduce each form of energy using my Forms of Energy packet along with BrainPopJr. and encourage students to share their questions/learning onto anchor charts using stickies. This way, you can reuse the anchor charts year after year!
Second, observe light, heat, and sound at work!
For heat, you can melt crayons, heat up ice and boil it on a hotplate, pop popcorn, make pancakes on a griddle. The possibilities are endless!
For light, make a list of things that give natural light vs. artificial light, encourage students to share how light helps us do work, list what gives light and what doesn’t, and encourage students to complete an activity with lights on, just flashlights, and no lights. Students will then reflect on their experience and describe the importance of light.
For sound, give students different objects that make sounds (instruments, random objects. etc.). Encourage students to describe the sound that they hear (loud/soft/volume). Students can make a list of sounds that they hear in different places (zoo, library, supermarket, school, park, forest, etc.).
Lastly, reinforce the learning with informational posters, journal inserts, sorting activities, and more! Click on the images for more resources!