Thank you so stopping by! I’m Linkin Up with TBA Freebie Friday & Mrs. Laffin’s Laughings today to share with you a PEEK at my Week! 🙂

It has been a very busy week in my classroom, but it has also been very fun! Here’s a brief rundown so far…
Let’s Get Organized!– I’ve been wanting to better organize my stack of copies for a long time…. So I FINALLY labeled my trays of copies by subjects and made it easier for me to simply grab what I need for the next day. It doesn’t hurt that I also now have my own thermal laminating machine!!! CHANGED-MY-LIFE-FOREVER! No seriously! 100+ pouches already used and it’s only the 4th week of school. Ok, fine. I’m OBSESSED with it, but it has changed my life for the better. It really did. 🙂 I really don’t know how I ever went without one in my class!!!
Click to download a copy for your own class! 🙂
ELA– We are working on nouns this week. I introduced nouns with a bubble map as we brainstormed of examples and sorted the nouns into different categories (person, place, thing, and idea) on the rug. Today, we went over nouns with examples and then the students completed this foldable at their desk as their Writing Center during Daily 5 rotation.
To complete the activity, I asked the students to look around the classroom or think of items in their house, draw, and then label as many nouns as they can under each fold. Since it was our FIRST foldable this year, I went ahead and folded and cut the slits for them as I explained the activity. As we go along in the year and complete more foldables, the students will become more familiar with the format and will be able to set it up themselves.
Needlessly to say, they were super excited when they saw the foldable and did a really good job with it. Tomorrow we will go over more on nouns and they will do a noun hunt around the school!
Download it FREE here for your classroom!
Science: We are reviewing our 5 senses and using them to describe the physical characteristics of matter. I had sent home a brown bag asking students to place a small matter around their house, seal the bag, and then bring it to school. On Friday, we will use our senses to describe the objects and then make good predictions on what we think they are. Today I modeled the activity as a whole-group by placing a gluestick in a brown paper bag. Each student was asked to come up to use their sense of touch to the describe the object. I also had an anchor chart on the board to the help the students with vocabulary. Afterwards, we wrote the description of the object together, they made their GOOD predictions, and then I revealed the object. After I checked their work, the kids glued the sheet into their science journal.
Here’s a copy for you! It’s two to a page to save paper.
Social Studies: Since last week, we have been discussing about citizenship and the U.S Constitution. This week, the students are discussing about the freedoms that the Constitution provides, the difference between a right and responsibility, and the importance of voting. If you haven’t grabbed the “I’m a Good Citizen” Crown Freebie, here it is again! Simply print, cut on the lines and around the star, then glue it to a sentence strip!
Math: We have set up our Math Journal, are still learning our new center games, and are comparing numbers. The students have really enjoyed the Math Journal that I have created for them, and I’m really excited how it will all turn out to be by the end of the year!
Whewww…. So that’s what’s been going on in my class this week. Here are some other resources that I am using in my own classroom if you are interested in checking them out. Ok, that’s it! 🙂 Thank you stopping by! I’m so glad you did!
I would love to hear about your week as well…. so please leave me a comment! 🙂