After deciding to enter #PBPitch, I worked with my mentor to craft two pitches days before the day of the event, took a deep breath, said a prayer, tweeted then headed off to teach for the day.

To be completely honest, I was taken away and humbled by the kindest response and support from the #writingcommunity. Along with all the retweets and comments, I also received 8 LIKES from 8 agents who requested that I query them.
In a matter of days of querying each agent, two agents politely passed but took the time to provide thorough and in-depth critiques of it. I was so touched. They could have just passed and moved on, but they didn’t. They saw how important this story is and provided the best support that they could to help me make it shine.
From their feedback, I made major revisions to the manuscript. I then reached out to the other agents who had yet to respond to ask if I could resubmit. Luckily, they all agreed and so I sent it out and waited and waited.
While I must say, the waiting part was so so hard. I was so thrilled when I heard back from one of the agents, Hannah Vanvels, who said she LOVED it and requested more work. I literally jumped up and down when I received that message!
Luckily, I had two other manuscripts to send. To occupy myself and keep active, I joined a couple of critique groups, made some critique partners, and kept revising and tightening my manuscripts.
This was simply the BEST thing that I have done since joining the #writingcommunity. The suggestions, comments, critiques, and friendships that I have made so far have pushed and helped me to grow the MOST as a writer since I began this writing journey.
Then one day… I received a message for a ZOOM chat from Hannah! It was a very short and sweet message, which I thought was another kind rejection, but I am STUNNED!
Immediately, I responded and a date and time for our chat were set up.
Click on the next post as I will tell you all about our Zoom meeting!