Jennifer from Everything Just So so kindly nominated my blog for the Liebster Blog Award for new blogs! The intention of this award is to help grow followers and traffic for new blogs with less than 200 followers while also connecting with other bloggers out there. Part of accepting the award is to answer a series of questions to help readers become more familiar with me and nominate 11 other new blogs that fit the criteria.
Before I get to the nominations, here’s my Q&A with Jennifer.
1. How long ago did you start blogging?
I started blogging consistently this year as a way to share my teaching resources and ideas and connect with other wonderful teachers in the Blogsphere.
2. What one word sums up the heart of your blog and why?
Joy. I enjoy teaching and love celebrating the people and joys in my life including my small family, teaching, and my resources. My goal is that my readers find something helpful that they can implement in their classrooms, and share a piece of my life as a wife, mommy, and teacher with me.
3. Is there something you learned late in your blog journey you wished you knew before?
Connect. Connect. Connect. One of the best things about having a blog is being able to connect with other teachers and teacher bloggers out there. From participating in Giveaways, Facebook Groups for Teacher Bloggers, and Linky Parties, I have met so many great teachers.
4. What is your favorite past time other than blogging?
I love photography and traveling. Photography allows me to chronicle memories and events in my life and traveling allows me to learn more about the wonderful world and people that the Lord has created.
5. How many hours per week do you dedicate to blogging?
Sometimes it me takes 3-4 hours or even more. It really depends on the content of the post.
6. What category of blog posts do you enjoy most?
I love learning of new ideas that I can immediately implement in my classroom. I’m all about new and good ideas and how I can employ new strategies to help my students.
7. Where does your blog inspiration come from?
My inspiration really comes straight from my classroom. I believe that being authentic is key in building strong relationships. Therefore, I only create and share resources that I strongly stand behind, reflect my teaching philosophy, and truly fit my students’ needs. My students are my main priority as a teacher, and they give me the inspiration I need to share my ideas.
8. What post that you’ve written are you most proud of?
I’m most proud of posts that highlight my students’ work along with teaching ideas for other teachers. I love showing off how great my students are and if another teacher ‘likes’ or ‘Pins’ an idea that I share, it makes blogging all worthwhile.
9. Is there any post that you have been planning to do, but have postponing it for a while now?
I would love to capture more teaching moments in my classroom and share them more often.
10. What is your favorite aspect of blogging?
My favorite part of blogging is definitely being able to connect , share, and learn from other teachers.
11. What recipe, project, or idea on my blog would you be mostly to try yourself?
I like the “Currently” post, as I have seen it on other teachers’ blogs. I have not gotten a chance to do it myself, but would love to do one.
And now…. (Drum Roll Please……) The nominations! These nominees come straight from a group of Bloggers that I am a part of. We are all about supporting and BOOSTING each other, and I am so glad I am able to give them a little boost myself!
Congratulations to all the nominated bloggers! To accept your nomination, please nominate 11 other new blogs, write a post on your nomination, link back to me, and include your Q&A with the award button . 🙂