If you are like me, you will be getting ready for Parent-Teacher Conferences very soon! SAY WHAT??!!! I know, I know! School seems to have just started like last week, but it’s really that time again!
And even though this is my 8th year of teaching, I still feel nervous and jitters when it comes to conferencing with parents. I DON’T KNOW WHY, but I still do. 🙂 Will I say all that I need to say? Did I explain the reading levels correctly? Did my voice just crack again?! Haha. I know all these thoughts are silly, but once I get over all of that, I know that everything will be fine.
For the most part, I must admit that I really like conferencing with parents. I always learn so much more about my students and their families through conferences. And…..I enjoy having the opportunity to praise the kids and really get a chance to talk to the parents, get to know them on a personal level, and build a team of trust and support together that lasts the entire year.
So if you are about to embark upon the conferencing season :), feel free to download this conference form for your own class.
You’ll be great!!! 🙂